*British Ice

Notation: Any kitten which is born from parents with “dominant blue eyes” will have the letters, “BE” on the registration number. This includes all kitten do not have blue eyes, because it can carry the gene. This is important to know for breeding purposes.

The British Ice Shorthair (BCS) and British Ice Longhair (BCL) are strong cats; semi-cobby body, broad and muscular. Her round face has a sweet and happy expression.

HEAD 35 points
Shape 8
Eyes 8
Ears 6
Profile+Nose 6
Muzzle+Chin 5
Neck 2
BODY 35 points
Torso 8
Boning 8
Musculature 7
Legs+Feet 6
Tail 6
COAT 30 points
Length 12
Texture 12
Pattern/Color 6

CATEGORIES: Traditional
EYES: Blue, Odd eyes and sectoral heterochromia (Iris with blue and other colors)

PERMISSIBLE OUTCROSSES: British breed group (British, Scottish straight, Selkirk straight).
NO-PERMISSIBLE OUTCROSSES: Two blue or odd eyed cats together.

HEAD: Shape: Round, a series of 3 circles defines the head 1st broad round muzzle, 2nd broad round head and 3rd full round chubby cheeks. Broad, wide cheek bones with smooth transition to muzzle, great width at eye level. Rounded front and top head well rounded from any angle. Large in males, medium in females.
Ears: Small to medium, broad at the base and rounded. Set wide apart on the rounded top head, but not extreme or flared.

Eyes: Large, round, level in head, set wide apart to show width of nose. Intense, eye color preferred. Eye shape is more important than color.
Muzzle+Chin: Heavy muzzle with great width and smooth transition towards the cheekbones. Firm chin in line with nose, completing the circle of the face.
Profile+Nose: Short straight snub nose, stop, well pronounced change of direction towards the rounded front head. No flat planes above the nose.
Neck: Short, thick, heavily muscled, creating the appearance of no neck, blending with the cheeks. Especially pronounced on mature males.

BODY: Torso: Semi-cobby. Wide, sturdy, muscular, firm, powerful, well rounded, chest and considerable depth of flank. The shoulders are broad and flat at the wither; the hips are the same width. Back is level. Females proportionately smaller.
Legs & Feet: Legs medium to short length from floor to belly should be slightly less than from belly to back. Round feet, medium to large in size.

Tail: Thick at base, straight, tapering slightly to a rounded tip. Two-thirds the length of the body.

Boning: Substantial. Large to medium.
Musculature: Sturdy, firm, not soft.

Straight, dense, standing away from the body, with natural protective appearance, even in length. In shorthair: Short, Firm, crisp and plush. Longhair: Semi-long, with ruff and britches desirable. Fluff-plush

The British Ice is a strong breed. Their large, round face should have a sweet open expression, with a smug rounded muzzle. Chubby cheeks and no-neck, blend into a stocky, semi-cobby, muscular, wide and firm body. Their coat is dense and rich, plush and thick in both shorthair and longhair varieties. Slightly reserved in temperament, they are four feet on the floor breed, and like to be handled with gentle firmness and supported when carried.

ALLOWANCES: Seasonal changes in coat density, length and texture.

Eyes: Almond shape, slanted set Musculature: Lack of muscle tone Legs: cow hocks.
Coat: Lack of/or poor undercoat, coat not standing away from body
(CES): Long or soft coat, (CEL) short or silky coat, long flowing coat like in Persians Boning: light delicate

DISQUALIFY (DQ): Crossed eyes. Deaf. A cat completely white.

Breed nomenclature:
CIS: British Ice shorthair
CIL: British Ice Longhair