
REFR would like to thank our generous sponsors for helping to restore the Rare and Exotic Feline Registry. This Cat Registry would not have been a success without the generous support you have provided. We deeply appreciate the willingness with which you have given of your time and finances to sponsor REFR. We sincerely hope that this association will be maintained and that you will continue to be a part of what happens here.

Much thanks to the following individuals:

Cathlene O’Hare
Holly Wise
Doug Nicholson
John M. Hoyt
Prudence Kahawa
Gina Hawken
Sherry Hawken
Jennifer Ramsey
Melanie Lalonde
Julie Beland
Lori Cecil
Cheri Carpe
Judy Marcum
Robin Gruber
Patti Avera
Linda Arnett – Spots Galore
Sylvie Beaulieu
Devan Clawson
Mary Kirk
Patricia Dupal
Tracey Clark
Annette King
Kathy Levesque
Sophie Bilodeau
Manon Lecours
Andree Boulay
Gabrielle Filion
Valerie Belanger
Amelie Dupre
Lori Douglas
Stephanie Pepin
Sarah Rhodes

*We want to give a big thank you to our Anonymous donors as well!

NOTE: We have attempted to include everyone who has donated their time or money to restore REFR. If we missed anyone we apologize sincerely! Please Contact Us and we will correct the oversight!

Photo Courtesy of Sonu Bastet